Jeff Field & Associates

Is Your Small Business Considering Chapter 11 Debt Reorganization Due to the Pandemic?

With small businesses facing crushing losses due to pandemic-related closures, many are struggling to keep going. For some, low-interest loans and new tax credits will provide enough sustenance to survive the crisis, depending on how long the slowdown lasts. Others might find that reorganizing their debt load through Chapter 11 bankruptcy is the best option going forward.

If you are considering bankruptcy for your small business but want to keep the doors open, you should understand these aspects of Chapter 11 bankruptcy:

If you are considering bankruptcy, know that it can offer an opportunity to save your business. You can increase the chance for a favorable outcome by hiring a skilled attorney who has successfully represented businesses in bankruptcy matters. An experienced bankruptcy lawyer will also be familiar with the latest legislation related to COVID-19 and economic relief.

Contact a knowledgeable bankruptcy lawyer to schedule a consultation

Jeff Field & Associates advocates on behalf of clients seeking debt relief through Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Please call 404-381-1278 or contact the firm online for a meeting to discuss your situation.