Jeff Field & Associates

Will Bankruptcy Get Rid of my Medical Bills and Lien??

This is a very common question in many bankruptcy cases.  Whether you were in a car accident or had an unexpected health emergency, if your insurance provider does not cover the entire medical care process, you are left “on the hook” for these bills.

Medical bills are dischargeable in bankruptcy, even medical bills associated with a lien.  All the lien does is ensure that the healthcare provider will be paid should you recover money from your injury or accident.  For example, if you are in a car accident and hire a personal injury attorney to procure a settlement based on your injuries, you would be required to pay off any medical lien subject to the settlement proceeds.  However, if you do not recover anything from the lawsuit, there is nothing for the lien to attach to and the bankruptcy would take care of the underlying medical debt.

This is a very tricky area of bankruptcy law and I encourage you to speak with an experienced bankruptcy attorney to determine your rights as they are related to medical debt and medical liens.  At Jeff Field & Associates there are a number of experienced attorneys who can guide you through this process and ensure that you get all the benefits of your bankruptcy discharge.